
Unique in size, scope, and vision, the new PlaySpace has been shaped by 40 years of experience and child development expertise. It is an on-going experiment in play and exploration. The visionary new PlaySpace allows young children birth to 3 years, together with their parents and caregivers, the time and space to engage in experiences designed to support children in developing and practicing essential cognitive, physical, social, and emotional skills.


Age Range
PlaySpace was designed to support the development and safety of children birth to 3 years, together with their adult caregivers. Older siblings are not currently allowed in the space.

We are exploring ways to welcome older siblings safely in the future. In the meantime, the Museum has many areas where all ages can play together.

For everyone’s safety and comfort, PlaySpace has a limited capacity. When full, Museum staff will welcome one family in when another leaves.

PlaySpace is generously supported by The Counts Family, Dr. Sonya Kurzweil, and Eve and Jon Rounds and was made possible, in part, by the Institute of Museum and Library Services, Mass Cultural Council, and MIT Early Childhood Cognition Lab.